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Postby dadman » Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:33 pm

Image .. SaintNow ........ dadman response .. ..... end of discussion ... [url=xxxxx]2016-00-00[/url] .....


2016-05-13 ..... I asked you before to use King James Bible only in my discussions. I'm very serious about it for good reasons. I'll have to put you on the auto ban list if you wont' honor my request, agreeing with me on the issue of God's word preserved and given to us in English, or disagreeing on that issue.....if you agree or not, you can still honor my request for my discussions and use quote the Bible only as the King James Bible. I consider this to be a disruption as you know where I stand in this matter.


The Debate Moderator (SaintNow) has BANNED you from this debate. See the FAQ for more info ... This is a private debate http://www.createdebate.com/debate/show ... bly_Strong

MacArthur is probably ok on Creation, but I won't be watching him because of one of many problems in his doctrines, some of which is posted here:
There are many much better sources to use than MacArthur
From JesusisSavior.com......
MacArthur need look no further than his own mirror to find major contradictions in his teachings. In Faith Works, he states:

Any doctrine of eternal security that leaves out perseverance distorts the doctrine of salvation itself. Heaven without holiness ignores the whole purpose for which God chose and redeemed us. (pg. 182)
Peter is saying categorically that the essence of what it means to be a Christian is to love Jesus Christ. In fact, there may be no better way to describe the essential expression of the new nature than to say it is continual love for Christ. (pg. 185)
See also pp. 109-121, 123-38, 139-55, 157-73, 175-92.

John MacArthur clearly teaches that every believer is NOT assured a home in Heaven. According to MacArthur, one's salvation is DEPENDENT upon the life he or she lives. This is the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation! ........ [i]MacArthur teaches that the life he or she lives is a REFLECTION of whether one has salvation or not ... not a means to it ...... no one "earns" salvation

........ Not every "believer" is an actual believer ... some are tares and some are wheat ... they indeed look the same on the exterior ... a similarity Angels will indeed some day separate .... However 1 John 3 lists many tests that can be applied as to whether one is an actual believer .... an inward transformation toward righteousness / a grievance toward sin and a love for God's law just to name a few

Mr. MacArthur is of the Devil. From examining the two preceding statements made by John MacArthur, it can only be concluded that although MacArthur obviously doesn't think a believer can live a sinless life; a believer must nevertheless persevere in faith 'til the end of life to be saved. The big question, then is, how much does a believer have to "persevere" to make it to Heaven? Is this not the same heresy which Islam teaches? Yes, it most certainly is! Muslims believe that Allah is capricious, i.e., he is unpredictable. In Islam, a Muslim's salvation is dependent upon the life he lives—you basically do your best and hope you make it.
In Christianity, a believer's salvation is rooted in the love and mercy of an awesome God, who offers salvation as a free gift paid for by Jesus' precious blood (1st Peter 1:18,19); BUT in Islam, a Muslim's salvation is rooted in self-righteousness to appease Allah's wrath. John MacArthur has perverted the simplicity of the Gospel, by requiring a holy life as a final step to complete salvation. MacArthur has effectively turned salvation into a lifelong process. How is this not works salvation? There is no simpler picture of salvation than a gift. Romans 5:15 even calls salvation a "free gift." If I offered you a gift; but then required you to do something for years to come to obtain it, would that truly be a gift? No way! As simple as this truth is, tens-of-millions of people all across the world have been deceived by Satan into thinking that one's eternal salvation is CONDITIONED upon the life that they live. Shame on you Mr. MacArthur! And shame on you foolish preachers who unquestioningly support him. I realize that John MacArthur has produced some excellent study materials on various issues, such as the evils of alcohol, et cetera; however, the Jehovah's Witness cult also produces some of the best literature exposing the sinful world that I've ever read. This does not justify their hellish religion! And neither does John MacArthur's good teachings qualify his damnable heresies. There is no matter any more critical than the issue of salvation ........ http://www.createdebate.com/debate/show ... f_Creation

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