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Postby dadman » Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:18 pm


006 - Q051 side BImage

Side two.

Lee Inghram: — why it was messed up and how it could hurt this entire family. You have to understand that, it ain’t one goddamn bit funny.

Beam: (Raised voice) And it’s not a mis— it’s not a mistake. We get ourself off the hook and say it’s a mistake. Uh-huh. Mistake implies that it wasn’t thought out. Now you didn’t seek anybody else out here, to do your carrying your messages for, but Kay. Right?

Moore: Yep, I—

Beam: All right, then, you thought that out, right? So that was not a mistake. A mistake is if you come up this corner and turn this way instead of that way to go home, just zoom zoom. You didn’t think about that turn, one way or another, you just made a turn and went. That’s a mistake. But when you think it all out, just as Lee said, (Deliberate) that was a thought-out counter-revolutionary act. And if you don’t see that, you’ll not really correct it, ‘cause you’ll have mistakes the rest of your time.

Moore: Yes. Well, Jack, I see now, I see now.

Jones: (Quickly) I’m going to tell you, Reverend, you should have seen long before. She hadn’t been here a day, and I hadn’t said shit to her about relatives, but she knew. You have been here for months, and every meeting, I have spoken for sever our relationships with our relatives, because of proof we’d had that mothers have betrayed children, and sold them out for $2500, we’d seen all this shit, one was standing right next to you, her mother, couldn’t be any better as American mothers, but she tried to get her in trouble with KGO, we got the goddamn — that letter, by the way, show that letter to her, I had it again today, because I wanted her to see, not that she needs any proof of it, but you need to read letters like that. You do. I don’t think she does, but you do. But I— you— I got, when you got up here, you don’t think your daughter falls in that category. And I know what I’m feeling. You think your daughter does care about you.

Male voice in audience: She told you she (unintelligible word). We told you that.

Jones: Well, what the hell she done about it to prove it? She did tell you she cared, didn’t she? Huh?

Male in audience: You said she did, while ago, when you talked to her on the phone.

Moore: Yeah, she said— she said—

Male in audience: I love you, Dad.

Moore: Yeah.

Jones: And you went into all this story about how much she loved you, that she wanted to take care of you, too. Why hasn’t she sent any money? (Pause) ‘Cause you told her not to?

Moore: Yes, I— I believe it (Jones talks over him)

Jones: — believe it. Uh, don’t you think if she loved you, she might send you a little shirt, uh, or maybe uh, some uh, bon-bons?

Moore: Yeah, I do, Dad.

02:50 Jones: ‘Cause after all, you’re the father’s taken care of, which I think was disloyalty on— inconsideration on your part. You oughta told her, well, I, we uh, we could sure use the money. (Pause) I— I think that you coulda done that, if you got a daughter is all that flushed, when I’m fighting for my life here, uh, to— to see that we have the best of all possible worlds, and we’re not where we want to be, in terms of housing, but it, by God when you put up a house, it cost you $3000, you got to be— you got to be goddamn careful that uh, you, you don’t put those houses up until you got all your money invested so people will eat and have enough medication for any disease. We got one pill, one medication, one vial for one person’s condition here that cost (Emphatic) $87. (Pause) So that’s an explanation to you why we can’t have all the housing we’d like to have. I’d much rather be a little crowded, and I’d sure as hell, uh, uh, be glad to do without some of the little luxuries and uh, uh, little refreshments, and uh, enjoy rice. It sure made a strong mission out of the Chinese. I’d much rather have that, than to see somebody in a condition where they’ll go blind or die, if we hadn’t had the right medication came through the— the day before with the dentist that I had to pay a handsome price for us for, Tommy— Tony— Tommy— McMurry, Solomon McMurry would have died. (Pause) One day earlier, if she had had a baby, she’d have died (Pause) without the medication that we could put through her veins, intravenously. (Pause) ‘Cause her blood pressure went to 180 over 120. And that would have killed her and the baby. (Pause) So, by God, to me, those are things you need to weigh — I don’t know how you expect a person anyway, I’m just a poor humble person that was born right by the railroad tracks — I don’t know where in the hell you expect me to come up with some goddamn money to have uh, uh, luxural villa, with a thousand people. How in the hell would you expect me to offer any more? I give you all that you want to eat. (Struggles for words) You can’t expect that to be steak, for Christ’s sakes.

Crowd: Right.

Jones: Even American doctors can’t afford meat now. There’s an article in Newsweek that doctors’ families are not making enough money to make ends meet, and professional people not making enough money to make ends meet, and they eat meat once a week. Well, we do that well, and usually better.

Crowd: Right. (Applause)

Jones: So, I— I don’t know what you prefer. I— I would prefer having Tiny, uh, uh, Solomon Turner— I’d rather— I’d prefer that she have the medication she’d need, and be a little crowded.

Crowd: Right. (Applause)


Beam: Now, uh— see, and if you had really been into what is going on here, you’d know probably that they woulda fixed it up so you coulda contacted and got some money out of that wench, and woulda helped our cause. (Pause) You know?

One voice in audience: Right.

Moore: Yeah. (Pause) That’s right, Jack.

Beam: ‘Cause there’s nothing back in— in the United States but shit. That’s all.

Moore: That’s right. I know that. That’s right. And I’m— I’m— I’m not thinking about going back there. I’m not thinking about going. (Jack and Moore talk over each other)

Beam: — no, but you been thinking about talking to somebody back there.

Moore: No.

Beam: Yes, you have. Yeah, you— you gotta face that, Ed. You wanted to write ‘em a letter. (Pause)

Moore: Oh yeah, I wanted to write ‘em a letter.

Beam: But I mean, you wanted to get a word uh, by the— the regular way that we have of doing things here, via, or by way of Kay Nelson there.

Moore: Yeah.

Beam: — and ma— uh, make her look like a damn fool, like you know—

Jones: (Off mike, fades in) Oh, you didn’t make her look (unintelligible word) at all. I don’t think it was ten minutes till she got to me. I just now took it up. She didn’t just tell me today. Shit, you know more— got— your— your— your tongue, no more, hung out. Your long long tongue no longer got out and back, until she told me that. (Pause) Now any woman— you ought to know better than this— and I say— I’m saying that you did underestimate her. She had been lived in a marriage, had a successful real estate business, risked that goddamn real estate business for this cause, when the goddamn no-count bastards called whatever their name is, out of all these traitors, I can’t keep up with them. There’re so damn many relative traitors, I can’t keep up with— what are, the Medlocks, gonna give their license, she sold out lock, stock and barrel, div— separated from her husband, let him take his, she went and took hers, came over here and forgot it all. Now, uh, honey, somebody made a bad estimation there and I— I don’t— I don’t— I— seriously, if you don’t know enough about yourself, you better work on yourself. When you were making that kind of conclusion, you were insulting her. Wasn’t no pathetic intuition. You were insulting the woman. (Pause) ‘Cause I had preached deathly, deathly, deathly, no message is given privately or publicly. Now you’re a bright man. Good man. You listen to cues, you say ‘em, you’re a senior, and I would be even firmer, if it were not for the fact that you’re a senior. But by God, now all you better get your ears open, and wake up now. (Pause) Now this— let this be an example. Don’t try to send any messages to anybody. We don’t know who you are. (Pause) And we don’t know what you’re trying to do. (Pause) I do know that one of your relatives is trying to keep somebody from getting a hold of you. (Pause) That you don’t want after you. (Pause) And they’re using it in a threatening way. (Pause) They’re not going to interfere with them getting any information much longer. (Pause) To quote unquote their position and their thought, that’s it. (Pause) So somebody’s looking for you, for something. I don’t bother my children with everything that they’ve got coming down the path. And Kay knows nothing about, ‘cause she didn’t tell me anything about it. She’s not the source of my information. If she does know something about it, she didn’t get it from me. (Pause) She doesn’t know it. She says she doesn’t know. (Pause) Okay. I do. (Pause) I don’t know what you— what arrangements you’ve made, but you ask them to keep some people from knowing where you are, and they said, well, they weren’t going to do it much longer, they couldn’t do it much longer. (Pause)

Moore: Uh, Dad, can I ask a question about—

Jones: You can ask any question you want to.

Moore: Yeah. Uh—

Jones: I may have mentioned it to Rita. Rita, will you come up here (voice fades). Rita Lenin. Back of the stage and talk in my ear.

Moore: Uh, did uh, you know I turned it in— when I turned my land into the church, and I turned it in to (unintelligible) county, I mean, the county, that money? That’s the onliest people I know would be looking for me, if it was not paid off.

Kay: We ran— We ran a check over all— everything you owed and went, went to the title insurance and everything that you owed that was under your name, listed and re— recorded, was paid off prior to funds coming. So that couldn’t possibly be it.

Moore: Well—

Jones: She has clearance. She has clearance to look in my files. Rita has clearance. Go ahead.

Beam: You know what, uh, Brother Moore, even— even that question to Kay now, you— you’re — you’re assuming that it could— coulda been our fault, if anybody was looking for you, that she didn’t pay off one of the bills—

Jones: — Had nothing to do with the church whatsoever. (Speaks slowly and deliberately) Has nothing to do with the church or your property, nothing whatsoever.

Beam: You see that kind of thinking now? You couldn’t possibly done something on your own, to get you in trouble. It had to be somebody else, you know? Us.

Jones: Wish people would do more study of theirselves. We haven’t got all night here to discuss this, because we’ve got other issues to bear, and we are winning some points with the war’s going on in Georgetown, with diplomats and— we got one of them backed up from his position, that got snotty earlier, that I was telling you about. He’s— when I told him I would— we’re not going to do this, and we’re not going to do that, and I took a crazy nigger stance, he is already now being very nice. (Pause) It’s the only on— only language he understand.

Crowd: Claps.

Jones: As I said, we are winning here because we have land to win it with, we got some means to protect ourselves to win it with, we got a position to stand for, and that’s the most dignifying thing in the world, even if it meant you die, which we’re a long way from dying tonight, I can tell you that. Uh— we’ve been close to it, we know the difference. But we have to do some talking because we had issues, because we have said— one thing I promise, when you come over here, every bit of good you’re going to know, and every bit of bad. That eliminates paranoia. Any shit that comes, I may take four or five hours to assess it, because I want to be sure I’m not alarming people prematurely, ‘cause it’s a (struggles for words) painful thing, I don’t like to be alarmed. I like to know things just as they are. And it may take me four or five hours, and this day, it took all day, putting this shit together, but when I got it together, I (unintelligible) over talking to Charlie and Joyce, and that— well, shit. The last thing I heard over my shoulder on the radio, I thought, this is it. They’re gonna have to know about it. They’re gonna have to know about it now. I thought it’d wait till maybe, maybe tomorrow. But it uh, wouldn’t wait till tomorrow. And it’s good that we didn’t, because we been able to get through— got sonbitch out of bed, ain’t nothing like saying we’re gonna die, to get folks out of bed.

Slight audience reaction.

And that’s all— That’s the first phrase I start with. “Would you like for us to die?” (Pause) No, I don’t mean you, man, I— (chuckles) Christ. The first question we ask— and that shows you a relative amount of peace, that when they’re praising us, they been giving us awards, we been honored at various meetings, but we have told those people— on different occasion, we have called the Prime Minister [Forbes Burnham], called his wife [Viola Burnham], and we didn’t like something, we didn’t like the way the CIA was influencing some people, we wanted him to take a stronger stand, that’s why I’m glad to hear some of this shit, that he’s taken a stronger stand with the international bankers— Now, I know they’re a little country, but by God, I wanted him to get back to that character he had when he said to [Henry] Kissinger, fly over. Kiss my ass, I’m going to die with dignity. That’s what I want him to hold onto. And as he said before, we— we saved— [Vibert Mingo] the Minister of Home Affairs said we saved socialism in this country. Well, I’m going to keep on saving socialism on this territory. You can bet— better believe that. And I said, one— one day, I just had one of the secretaries call, I think Paula [Adams] called and said uh, um, if we, if you don’t meet our demands by five o’clock, we’ll be dead. And Patty [Cartmell] jokingly said over the shoulder, and don’t wait until five-fifteen.

Slight laughter.

Jones: So we have quite a bit of mileage here. Fifty, eighty of you coming through, a week, and I’ve talked to those sonsabitches that way more than once. We sat on our ass one day, we— we— we fasted twice, we didn’t get started, we told them we’re going to, but fuck ‘em, we thought we’d eat, we— at least we’re going to die well, we’re going to eat well while we (voice trails off). We’re told them we’re fasting, and we said we wasn’t going to produce a goddamn crop and we’re going to tear up all the fields and burn down the houses. (Pause) Now that’s what we tell them. That’s the way we talk to them. These intellectuals with their Ph.D.’s, and all their degrees, they don’t understand it when you’re talking nice to them. But when you talk about burning all the houses down and tearing up the ground and raising hell and uh, shooting off firecrackers (short laugh), they understand that. (Pause) So there it is— don’t feel insecure about this. Some of you, oh my God, what’s going to happen, all this kind of shit and threatening, honey this is a mild night. You’re in a mild night.

Crowd: Right. (Applause)

Jones: You might even get— You might even get to see the late night show before it’s over with. This is a mild night. Go ahead. It’s moving much faster than usual. (Pause) Hmm? (Pause) Marceline was chased all over the United States one time while she was there and I was here, we were committed that much to dying separately if necessary. She was running all over to get hold of the deputy prime minister [Ptolemy Reid] and tell him, by God, we wanted this sonofabitch throwed out that was running the government while he was up there signing the Panamanian Treaty. We wanted the sumbitch run— throwed out or we’d died by a five o’clock that night, that was two nights on five o’clock. (Pause) We like five o’clock for some reason, I don’t know why. (Pause) Just gives us time to have dinner.


Long pause.

Moore: Father— (Pause)

Jones: What’d you want to say?

Moore: Dad, I want you to forgive me. I wouldn’t never do nothing like that no more.

Jones: What did you do wrong?

Moore: Well, I (Pause) I went against the— went against the cause. (Pause)

Jones: In what way?

Moore: By not uh, obeying you and your instructions—

Jones: What were my instructions—

Moore: What she said not to do.

Jones: About— (tape fades out).

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