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Postby dadman » Wed May 04, 2016 2:48 pm

Image .. Demon_Hunter
2016-00-00 .....
dadman response
end of discussion

the Bible is NOT the inerrant word of God
God is a She
Jesus did not rise from the dead and will not return


Only partially correct.
God does not send all sinners to hell. In fact, there is no Hell, per se, except in the way that it's a void and totally cuts you off from God. This Hell can exist for you either during this life or in the next level. Which is Spiritual.
And God doesn't send the sinners there anyway. They fall under the power field if Satan, and he keeps them ensnared and unable to rejoin the Godhead.
Only the very worst sinners, that is. Probably less than one percent of all who sin, which according to Paul means only that you missed the mark. Most sins are no biggie to our all loving God. They are more accurately called disappointments. As a father disappointed in a child he loves.
You dwell on hell and sin too much. This will hurt your spiritual progress. You would do well to stop..you also need to be more tolerant and positive. This is what God wants. Not empty and angry street corner preacher hyperbole.... God Bless.


2016-06-02 ..... This is our CrossFit Box in Arlington. I co-own and manage it with my partner.
I should have known you were a homosexual ..... stands to reason (typical) goat
When Hunting Demons one must be in optimal condition
the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh

http://www.createdebate.com/debate/show ... ve_Liberal


2016-05-15 ..... Contrary to what most Christian fundamentalists and biblical literalists like SaintNow and Dadman will attest, the Holy Bible is NOT the inerrant work of God. It is NOT perfect, but rather flawed. It DOES contain many inaccuracies in translation as well as contradictions .... But more importantly, it is NOT an infallible book of Answers, but rather a glorious, messy, abstract book og Questions. And by using allegorical and metaphorical stories to ask these questions of us, it is by ANSWERING them that we truly become enlightened and get to KNOW God. God's Grace gives us the inspiration and insight to find these answers .... I say this as a Born Again Christian who loves the Bible and reads it nightly. I find it sadly ironic that the literalists who smugly and self-righteously claim to know their bible better than us progressive Christians, actually get LESS out of it than we do. It's like taking beautiful poetry or Shakespeare literally! And missing the whole point. Like these literalists would say, after hearing the lines "Look, in yon eastern window is Juliet! She is the sunrise!" They would say, "yeah, well, God made her the Sun so she could have the power to burn all the sinners and....." Blah Blah Blah. See? They take as literal things that WERE NEVER MEANT TO BE! ... The Bible was never meant to be a single cohesive work. It was cobbled together over the course of more than a dozen decades. By probably three dozen different authors. Most of whom never even knew each other. The FIRST Gospel, Mark, was not written until a good 30 years AFTER Jesus was killed! By the time we get to John's Gospel, a full 65 years had passed since Jesus died. This is like you writing today about a man who conducted a brief three-year ministry back in the early 1950s! So of course mistakes and embellishments were made .... The literalists who read this will accuse me of apostasy and maybe even of Evil. Fine, such silly accusations only make my point of how deluded they are. I write this mini-manifesto to let you agnostics and atheists know that not ALL of us Christians are as intolerant and self-righteous and reactionary, as Fundamental as Saint Now and Dadman. Many of us are reasonable and friendly sorts who love and embrace science and don't feel that it has to butt heads with Religion. Many of us know that our Holy Book can be downright confounding and seemingly bizarre at times. But to me this is part of the beauty of it. I love the Bible and I love God and I truly believe He Saved me so help carry His Word .... And our Word..HIS Word, is a great deal more accepting and tolerant than some of my more Fundamental Christian brothers would have you think .... Thank you so much for your time in reading this. We discussed this topic in Church Sunday and so it has been on my mind and I wanted to share with my new CD friends

biblical literalists like SaintNow and Dadman will attest, the Holy Bible is NOT the inerrant work of God ....

um, I'll speak for myself thank you very much = the Holy Bible IS the inerrant work of God .. http://dadmansabode.com/b/16/160311.mp3

some one mention Unity ? https://carm.org/unity-school-christianity
United Church of God ? https://carm.org/ucog
Universalism ?? https://carm.org/universalism

You just quoted me out of context, brother. I said "contrary to what biblical fundamentalists like you believe the Bible is NOT the inerrant word of God."
Meaning you DO think it is. And you just confirmed. And I disagree. As I explained in my header. So I think my assessment is quite correct. And that's fine. Belive how you want. We are all children of God. And I will admit that I have no quarrel with you, since unlike your literalist in arms Saint, you have not condemned me to Hell for my progressive Christians theology. So thanks for that. And you also have not to my knowledge attacked my church and slandered it as being a Satanic cult....again, as has the Ain't.
God Bless.....Demon Hunter

.......................... We are all children of God chapter and verse ?

Sure! .. From one of my favorite epistles of Paul ... http://biblehub.com/galatians/3-26.htm

when you claim "We are all children of God" a little misleading on your part ... no, we are not ALL (mankind) children of God .... only those who have saving faith in Christ Jesus ....... You'll have a hard time placing your faith in Christ Jesus if you don't believe the Bible to be reliable ... just a bunch a stories and fables ... sorry


2016-05-05 ..... I never liked that whole fable (the wise men / Mat 2). Little of it made sense to me ... I AM a Christian, btw ... But I also know about Myth and Allegory.
And how the Torah writers and the NT writers borrowed a lot from earlier religions. Like the Sumerians. Religions, mind you, that pre-dated Christianity ... Like these...............

2016-05-04 .... Yes I believe in separation of Church and State.
Theocracies never work and tend to breed discord and violence. Infighting, fractioning of the State.
And obviously the Founding Fathers agreed with that since mandatory non sanctioning of a specific religion is in our Constitution, as well as our Bill of Rights.
Besides, just think if we let religious zealots into power. How would you like somebody like Saint Nobody to have his finger on the button?
Scary! .. God Bless.

........ no where does the Church run and operate an entity of the Government

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