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Postby dadman » Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:20 am


AJC = Huh? Show me where I said that I don't believe in the existence of God or life beyond the grave -----
RWC = "the only thing that actually matters is the quality of life here on this planet" < typical atheist doctrine -----
AJC = Again, everything you just posted is full of assumption.
What makes my perspective different from a classic Atheist and a Christian like yourself is that I don't presume to understand one way or another.

Show me where I said that I don't believe in the existence of God
--- we can squabble over the definition of God and or what divinity is applied to -- regardless of what you call yourself
the Biblical matter of fact is this: you are a rejector of Jesus Christ < we can agree on this ? right ?? ...
therefore, according to the scripture (my faith) you will be sent into eternity accompanied with every other Christ rejector regardless of what they call themself ...
even the Demons believe in God and tremble (no big frakn deal) you see, Demons are not redeemable
even the "moral man" is guilty before God ... here is the mistake the self-righteous make ..
1. they fail to see the height of God's law
2. they fail to see the depth of their own sin against that law

I have my suspicions but am always open to my suspicions changing as life presents new information/experiences.
Welcoming change based on what currently makes sense and letting go of assumptions (when I become aware of them) is how I choose to interface with the world.
Currently, based on what I've experienced so far, I would probably fall into a sort of Agnostic Monism category -
Someone who believes that there is but one infinite divine substance in which everything else has its finite being as a mode or affect, but doesn't claim to know this belief is true.

Alexander J Caruso As for the "Trust Women" thing - since when is evidence required for a Christian like yourself to believe something? Just have faith Robbie! :) (jk)

I have my suspicions but am always open to my suspicions changing as life presents new information/experiences.
Welcoming change based on what currently makes sense and letting go of assumptions ....

----- well then you should be interested in the scientific discoveries of the past 50/60 years .. right?
----- the follow me on this. .... your posted statement above, which category would it fall into ... A or B

your post above ....... are the letters / spaces and punctuation you chose - are they of A or B

A = random / mindless / no sequence (just fell where they happened to land)
B = code / information / intent / writer-reader / speaker-listener / agenda driven design - intelligence

----- DNA sequence

----- Show me where I said that I don't believe in the existence of God
well ? this so-called "god" you claim to believe in, does it/he/she have the ability to create life and or communicate to man?? < mine does Jn 1:1

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