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Postby dadman » Wed May 17, 2023 7:10 am


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<tr bgcolor="#394a4c"><td align="left" height="30"><font size="5"> &nbsp; &nbsp; Service times </font></td></tr>
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<font color="#3c7e86"><font size="5"> Sunday </font></font> <p>

<font color="#3c7e86">6:15am</font> - Wake Up With Ron & Angela <br>
<font color="#3c7e86">7:45am</font> - Prayer with Pastor Fleet, <br>both are live on Facebook <br>
<font color="#3c7e86">9:00am</font> - Coffee with Carl and Brent, <br>in Honor of Jerry Holman <br>
<font color="#3c7e86">9:45am</font> - Sunday Morning Services <p>

"Can you give him 15?" --- We encourage you, Everyday Spend 15 minutes with God, in prayer for our family and friends,
our pastors and ministers, our country, Armed forces, our government, and all the lost souls and more. Let's remember to pray for revival! <p>

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<font color="#3c7e86"><font size="5">Wednesday </font></font><p>

<font color="#3c7e86">8:30am</font> - some of the ladies go to the abortion mill to pray, We would love for you to join us, in person or in prayer! Need more info - Contact Judi, Bev or Angela <br>
<font color="#3c7e86">11:00am</font> - we have Ladies' Bible Study at CFM,<br> in the kitchen ... All are welcome! <br>
<font color="#3c7e86">6:30pm</font> - we have Men's Bible Study at CFM,<br> in the kitchen ... All are welcome! <p>

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<font color="#3c7e86"><font size="5">Thursday </font></font><p>

<font color="#3c7e86">6:45pm</font> - We have Evening Church Services here at CFM. <br>
We will be live on Facebook and later on YouTube! <p>

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