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PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:08 pm
by dadman
Image ..... Jun 06-28 2016

Here is my conclusion in advance (after an investigation) .... Someone lied ... everything here and down is what I found in reaching this conclusion
Mel poses a question to Linda ... "soooo, what do you guys think of Gay marriage ?" .... Linda's answer to Mel ...
We are Bible believing Christians and so no, we don't believe in Gay Marriage < end of discussion

Someone (probably Mel) turns this into (according to Kathleen) .... Linda: "We hate and don't like you cause you're homosexual"

Robby to Facebook ..... Well ... there is this false accusation out there that Linda and I hate Homosexuals ....
well It's a freakn LIE .. no Linda and I DO NOT hate Homosexuals (never have / never will) ....
and for any (family) out there willing to slam the door in our face but unwilling
to even give us the time of day and listen to / hear our defense of this .. well then what can I say ....
it tells us more about you then of the false accusation itself ...... love always Robby

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Robby to Darrell ..... Darrell .. has Linda or I EVER told you or expressed to you and Mel that She or I didn't like or hated you because you're homosexual ?? ...... yes or no

Darrell to Robby ..... No .... I have no quarrel with you personally at all. You are family and I will go way out of my way to do whatever necessary to get along.... I know that you, and me, and everyone are all just struggling the best we can to make our way in the world and I do not fault you or Linda at all ... You have been very good to us and I value that. I believe that you are doing your best and we feel that we are. We each have differences in us that we cannot change .... we are the way God made us. However, we do choose what to believe. And that is okay. I believe that God loves diversity, so I do not condemn anyone .... I know what your religion says about us. That is your religion, not you... What we believe may be different as long as we all remember that we are all Precious Children of God .... In the end, in Revelation, God redeems the whole world ... We both believe that..... And we are all a part of the word ... < Um, no, Darrell needs to re-read Revelation 19 / 20 and 21, and not be telling me what I believe.

Robby to Darrell ..... thanks Darrell .. I need to (and maybe you might) pass this along to Kathleen .....
somewhere SOMEONE lied to Kathleen and she is hang onto it w/ a clenched fist ....
She even claims that no one in our family speaks to you and Mel or you and Mel do not speak to us because of Linda ....
indeed love accepts all people even when we disagree .......... later ... we are fine and enjoying our new grand child .. thanks

Darrell to Robby ..... Feel free to share my response with anyone

Robby to Darrell ..... thanks Darrell .... I quoted your first part on Kathleen's wall w/ a link to this

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Kathleen to Linda .....

Image ........... full context of the 'SHARED' post that everyone is all upset about

Linda to Kathleen ..... Robby said you told him I posted something on your page just to hurt you. I have never posted on your page. What you are seeing is your newsfeed. It shows what all your Facebook friends post on their OWN pages ....... I never said I hate gay people. I only state what the bible says about it. and I don't do it out of hate, but out of love ....... I used to be wish washy about gays. I didn't care. Isaid live and let live. I even went to my gay neices wedding. Now I do care. I want all my family to know eternal life. If that makes me evil, so be it.

Kathleen to Linda ..... The post came from your Facebook page ... you shared what your evil friend wrote to you. please leave me alone.
You have done enough damage. You are an evil spirit wandering around the world seeking the ruin of families.

Linda to Kathleen ..... Kathleen I pray that you will see the truth. Darrell denies I said what you claim. I will leave you alone, but you need to leave Robby alone ..... If your beef is with only me then speak to only me. You should have called me to begin with.

Kathleen to Linda ..... I love Robby. He has been influenced by an evil spirit in his home.
What Darrell told Ray (Kathleen's deceased husband 2007) was many years ago. He has just forgotten. Ray was telling me the truth.

Linda to Kathleen ..... Don't text me back. I am blocking you anyway.

Kathleen to Linda ..... Ha Ha. you are not only evil, you are stupid.

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Kathleen to Robby ..... Robby, I'm sorry about what has happened. My fight is not with you, it is with Linda. The only reason she put what she did on my Facebook to hurt me and put a wedge between you and me.
She has succeeded. she is a very evil person. I'll always love you. Please don't contact me. I am through.
Maybe someday you and I can be close again. I'm asking god to remove my anger and hurt.

Robby to Kathleen ..... No ... Your fight with Linda is based on a lie ... and your fight concerning homosexuality is with God ... even your own Catholic Church teaches God's truth on this matter ... I have confronted Darrell and Mel about this and this conversation will no longer take place behind close doors .... My God ... are you angry with everyone who does not agree with you ... not good at all ... love you always ... Robby


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Robby to Facebook ..... Well ... there is this false accusation out there that Linda and I hate Homosexuals ....
well It's a freakn LIE .. no Linda and I DO NOT hate Homosexuals (never have / never will) ....
and for any (family) out there willing to slam the door in our face but unwilling
to even give us the time of day and listen to / hear our defense of this .. well then what can I say ....
it tells me more of you then of the false accusation itself ...... love always Robby ...
link to what was placed on Darrell's FB page

Billie O'Toole ..... Rob, you and Linda are not the kind of people who hate, sorry to hear that some sad soul started some BS about you ..
I would forget about it .... they have more problems than you.

Rita Murry ..... I'm thinking there's some kind of misunderstanding here ... sorry to hear that family can't work it out ... life is toooooooooooooo short for grudges ... everybody has the right to disagree in a grown-up fashion ... I hope there's a chance for your family ... you all come from a line of decent folks!

Kevin Loss ..... I believe you Robby. There is not a conservative republican out there who isn't dying to play at least a few games for the other team.
I think the latent homosexuality of the GOP is its most endearing and hottest quality going for the party ... Peace be with you!

Robby ..... yeah well Kevin this really isn't about the GOP or someone's politics ... but thanks for your comment ...
blessings to you and your family and also with you .... peace

Robby ..... btw Kevin ... let me ask you a question .... If you were a homosexual and a family member approached you and said .. " you know what ... because you are a homosexual, I or we don't like you" .... link .. do you think you would EVER forget that incident ??? ..... yes or no ....

Robby ..... well let's see ... (after 11 hours from Q asked) .... Kevin had enough supposed "brain-power" to pop up and make a snarky political comment ....
but not enough supposed "brain-power" to answer a simple question ?? ..... hmmm what are we learning here

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Robby to Darrell ..... I really hope to trace this out .... a word for word display is presented at my site ... the only conversation I and Linda EVER had with you and Mel on this issue was with Mel only ... while Mel was at our house one afternoon and we were working on your Choir CD project ... Mel asked us where we stood on this homosexuality / marriage issue .... Linda said > POLITELY < that we were Bible believing Christians and no we didn't believe in it ... sorry .... there was no malice at all intended or displayed ... I was sitting right there ... the conversation went no further ....... did MEL say something to you concerning this ?? ... did MEL claim that because of our belief that Linda and or I didn't like you ??? .... Kathleen's exact words were that You said this to Ray .... anyhow ... Kathleen has literally slammed the door in our face .... have a great father's day ..... Robby ... posted 2016-06-18

Darrell to Robby ..... I don't know what is going on and I do not want to. Hearsay and accusations over something that may or may not have happened decades ago is not productive or helpful at all

Robby to Darrell ..... Thank you Darrell.. I agree ....
but I guess I will have to conclude then that the lie for whatever reason began with Kathleen ...
Where is goes from here God only knows

Tonya Henning ยท Friends with Darrell Steen to Robby ..... Mr. Cleary, I do not know you, nor shall we ever meet. I typically stay off Facebook and have never in my life commented on someone's post whom I did not know. However, these posts pop up on my timeline, and I cannot remain silent. Darrell Steen and Mel are 2 of the most Godly men I know. They exemplify what it mean to be Christian and live their lives striving to be more like Christ....less like man. Your words are hurtful and cruel. I am sorry your family is fighting, and I don't want to add drama. However, it needs to be said that these men do not need condemnation for what your Bible says. The Bible also asks us not to mix our cloths (check your own closet), not to eat pork (bacon on Sunday mornings!) and above your neighbor .... 1 John 8 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love ... 19 We love him, because he first loved us ... 20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen ?

Darrell to Tonya Henning ..... Tonya, We are blushing. Thank You. We feel the same about you. We miss Wichita so much.... NC is not our home. You want to see fundamentalism at its finest come here. We are still in culture shock -- the racism and fear around religion is shameful and embarrassing for the entire species. The drama in our family around these issues is absurd and has been going on in one form or another for many decades. Most of us in the family just stay out of it, for reasons that are very, very clear. I have read the comments that do not appear on Facebook and wow..... One day I will tell you the whole story but for now.......

Robby to Tonya Henning ..... Who condemned who ? ... posted 2016-06-19(no response from Tonya Henning)

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Robby to Raymond ..... well crap Ray .... I'm sure you've heard all about it .... your mom called last week and literally attacked Linda over a propagated lie from 10 years ago ... how it got started I don't know but all I can say is that it's not true ... but either way she has basically slammed the door in our face ...... call me if your want to hear our side of this ......... Robby 992-0000 ... happy fathers day

Raymond to Robby ..... I saw and heard her say something negative to Darrell with my very own eyes and ears. You can take that to the bank.

Robby to Raymond ..... call me when you get a chance .... I really need to speak in person :)

Raymond to Robby ..... I'll just quote you EXACTLY what she said. "and we don't believe in homosexuality!" (< a total misquote) He was soooo embarrassed, and that was the last time I saw Darrell ... I wish Mom would have just done what I did with Linda .. Instead of fighting back I just unfriended her. .. fighting back ??

Robby ..... I called Ray and he would not answer

Robby to Raymond ..... well okay fine / don't answer ... Darrell denies this happened .. I gave him more than one chance to reiterate this so-called 'embarrassing' situation to me and he flatly denied it ... ... 2780#p2780 ... For the record ... no, Linda and I do not believe in 'gay marriage' / so what .. but that DOES not mean that we dis-like or hate gays ... read Darrel's response to me in this detailed back-n-forth ..... this is really sad indeed

Robby ..... requoting Darrell's response here ............ Darrell to Robby ..... No .... I have no quarrel with you personally at all. You are family and I will go way out of my way to do whatever necessary to get along.... I know that you, and me, and everyone are all just struggling the best we can to make our way in the world and I do not fault you or Linda at all ... You have been very good to us and I value that ................

Raymond to Robby ..... Sorry Robby! I have no interest in a phone conversation. However, I will entertain a documented conversation, because this way no words are misconstrued. I can't speak for Darrell, only for myself and what I heard. If she denies saying that, the conversation is over.

Robby to Raymond ..... well shoot ... I don't know what someone said to prompt that response but what ever the case ... If the same dialogue prompted me ... I would > politely < say the same thing ..... gays need to grow some fuckn skin ... they poke and prod to see who is with them and who's not .... I'm sure this is what transpired this because the exact same thing happened w/ Mel at my place ... NO ONE intended to belittle or embarrass anyone ... sometimes gays just don't get the answer they want .... well that's just life ... man-up .............. this will all go on the record for all to see .... I agree .... no more "someones word against some one elses' "

Robby to Darrell ..... Well I've finally got this HORRIFIC EMBARRASSING situation nailed down .... it started with Raymond .. who heard the conversation between Linda and Mel at a family gathering ... as usual Mel prodding Family about the issue of homosexuality .. > specifically to Linda ... and Linda's response = "we don't believe in homosexuality" .... omG !!! how it must of been sooo embarrassing (acc to Raymond) for you to hear those horrific words ... the family will indeed never be the same ..... later guys ... posted 2016-06-20

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Darrell to Robby ..... Embarrassing for who? Hearsay from 25 years ago... I'm glad you figured it out. Yes it really is horrifically embarrassing. We ruined the family, again -- sorry, our bad.

Robby to Darrell ..... No problem.. Indeed the soul on man defaults toward destruction.. Have a great day.. Come back to Wichita soon.... Later

Darrell to Robby ..... Indeed....

Robby to Darrell ..... Do stay updated .... ... 2780#p2780 ... love always ... Robby and Linda :) :)

Darrell to Robby ..... I was not apologizing. I was trying to point out how ridiculously horrifically petty that some kind of hearsay from decades ago was now, somehow, a horrifically embarrassing problem. But like you said the defaults of man tend toward destruction. See you guys later

Robby to Darrell ..... indeed / tell me about it :) .... See you guys hopefully sooner than later ... posted 2016-06-21

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Robby to Raymond ..... btw Ray .... now that I recognize the indecent ... the where / when and what was said .... and since you were there and also remember this incident ...
here is my question ... who instigated the conversation about homosexuality ... was it Linda or was it Mel

Raymond to Robby ..... All I remember was Linda talking to someone by the kitchen table.
I have no idea what the conversation was even about ..... It just freaked me out when Darrell wasn't even part of the conversation and she looked over said that to him
.... That may have been the same day she called me a fallen angel.

Robby to Raymond ..... **I have no idea what the conversation was even about** .... well I do ... and again, it was Mel (not Darrell) prodding the issue w/ Linda ... for the 2nd time ... Mel knew what Linda's answer would be .. nothing had changed .. Mr Drama queen was wanting some drama ... and I guess he sure got it .... as for the fallen angel ?? ... I'll investigate .... please detail

Raymond to Robby ..... I stayed out of this. You came to me, and I merely gave you honest answers .... I have no interest in any of this.

Robby to Raymond ..... **I have no interest in any of this** .... well now ain't that convenient for you .... this CRAP is either true or it isn't ... you're the instigator of this mess ...
your mother is DONE with us because of what YOU told her and God knows who else

Robby to Raymond ..... have you read the attacks your mother leveled at Linda ??? .... here again for the RECORD ... posted 2016-06-22

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Raymond to Robby ..... I bought dad a stepping stone for his garden for Father's day that said "Dads are like angels." When she read it she "Well you're a fallen angel." I didn't care about what she said, I just considered the source ... You can take that to the bank also... I'm not sure, but I really don't think Mel was part of that conversation.

Linda to Raymond ..... Ray, I have stayed out of this conversation up until now because what I said was not wrong. When asked my view about homosexual marriage, I said "we don't believe in that because we are Christians." That is what any normal TRUE Christian would say about it!!! Now I want to know what is this crap you are making up now about some stepping stone? About me saying you are a fallen angel?? I would NEVER say such a thing. You need to stop making up lies about me to justify your bad behavior. Your dad would be ashamed of you!

Raymond to Robby ..... Robby, I think your best bet is to apologize to Mom, and I'll bet she'll apologize to you. You need to let this go. You're causing too much-unneeded stress on yourself. In our adulthood, have you ever heard a lie come from my mouth? Just asking? .... I've always thought the world of you and still do. I want this friction between you and Mom, and you and me to go away. There is no sense in that. We've been family for way to long .... I think your wife has pretty much burnt her bridges with the family. I had some hope for her as the last couple of times I've seen her, she's been on her best behavior, but at the end of the day, she's always gonna be Linda .... As far as my feelings about you, I believe you have a ton of potential. You can be a blast to be around. I love being amazed by your artistic genius! Like Stan, you would literally give someone the shirt off your back, if they needed it worse than you. You have always had an extremely big heart. I love reminiscing about out fun, mischievous, wild childhood. With your extreme imagination you could always create a fun environment. You had the ability to relate to EVERYONE in the family as most of us could not relate to everybody. I love when you come to the lake to bbq, hang out, eat, drink, boat, etc. That's the Robby I love. What I don't approve about you is your never ending approach to push your religion on everyone you're around. I've told you time and time again what my philosophies are and they are definitely not aligned with yours. For years you've constantly tried to push your beliefs onto me, saying
the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Robby, it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
< this is such BS ... I PUSH my belief on no one I want to continue having a relationship with you, but I don't want to hear about your religious points of view anymore. I'm asking more .... I read what Linda posted about the Orlando Tragedy when Mom told me about it. With mom's loyalty to our family I can totally understand why she was upset. However, I wish she would have been the bigger person and just considered the source and blown it off, but several days later she still felt the same way and that's her prerogative. When I read the post it was sickening. Spreading hatred and discontent via social media is very evil, and I can just imagine how the victims families would have felt if they'd have read the posts. Please consider apologizing to Mom. She really has no beef with you. Have a great weekend. ... posted 2016-06-24

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Robby, I think your best bet is to apologize to Mom ..... for what ? .. you quoting Linda out of context and assigning malice to her statement ??
You need to let this go ..... I didn't start any of this... Mel / you and your mother did
You're causing too much-unneeded stress on yourself ..... um, no, I'm not the one leveling the personal attacks .. you and your mother are
have you ever heard a lie come from my mouth ..... well, I'd call this one a half-truth taken out of context and then fanned into a full-fledged vicious lie ... so the answer is yes .. the proof is right here ... if there is any comfort .. we are ALL sinners
your wife has pretty much burnt her bridges with the family ..... as in what ? ... based on your distortion ?? ... you have proved nothing ... Darrell and I and Linda have proved you wrong (your out of context statement to your mother) .. even you admit that you KNEW NOT the full context of the already embarked "conversation" ... **I have NO IDEA what the conversation was even about** .. THEN claiming Linda just popped up out of no where (unprovoked) telling Darrell: "we don't believe in homosexuality" .. How Linda responded to Darrell and Mel was a legitimate Honest answer to a stupid (family gathering) question asked from Mel directed at Linda for the FREAKN 2nd time ... you wanna visit this again ? .. Mel has ALWAYS wanted to entertain the discussion of homosexuality among our family gatherings ... I REMEMBER the first time Darrell brought him to the house on Clifton for Thanksgiving ... within 20 minutes of being there .. I HEARD Mel say to Darrell: "Dang Darrell, as I look around, I believe you and I are the only gay couple here" .. yes, Darrell was embarrassed and mortified .. and I just walked away thinking how freakn tacky was that.
but at the end of the day, she's always gonna be Linda ..... I'll just ignore your personal attacks / consider the source and move on
What I don't approve about you is your never-ending approach to push your religion on everyone you're around ..... Oh what a bunch a BS this is ... YOU are the only one paranoid of any talk concerning God ... PS: you are not THE authority as to "approve" or "dis-approve" what someone is free to talk about .... should I walk away claiming you PUSHED your atheism on me ?? ... how childish and lame would that be .... at your mother's place during Christmas ... the initial conversation was initiated by and was with Bruce .. I was answering HIS question/s .. you butted in with your opposition/s and so I answered them .. about 5% of what I COULD have said ... so what .. shoot, I've never even debated the issue of atheism with you. .. at your place .. do you even remember what our most recent conversation was about ?? .. it wasn't even about God .. it was about MY 2 cents concerning the ability to prove SCIENTIFICALLY that all life derives from a source of intelligence (life is not matter alone) .. what the heck .. you can apply that intelligence to aliens for all I care ... but you sure can't apply it to random mindless un-directed chance .. science knows better than that .. I was always appreciative of the (perceived) fact that you and I could at least have cordial conversation on this level .. as opposed to Mary Ellen ... pfft ! .. I get four words out of my mouth and I have an instant full blown argument on my hand attempting to discuss anything with her .. I never thought your World view (apart from God) was so fragile that it couldn't withstand bumping up against my World view (including God) .... two very valid points of view ... only ONE to be displayed ??
I've told you time and time again what my philosophies are and they are definitely not aligned with yours ..... so freakn what .. it's no skin off my nose ... I can live and let live .. you can't ?? ... I have an always open door to discuss what you or ANYONE believes ... I slam the door on no one .. or run away crying some one PUSHED their belief on me .. good grief !
For years you've constantly tried to push your beliefs onto me ..... Oh what a bunch a crybaby lies and BS ... does "runninray" mean in paranoia ?? ... I PUSH my beliefs on no one ... you are always free to regard or disregard ... that's what I always do
but I don't want to hear about your religious points of view anymore. I'm asking more ..... lol ... so sorry I've caused you to lose sleep here
saying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Robby, it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN ..... "expecting a different result" ???? ... I expect NO result ... just my equally valid 2 cents on the table too ... Booo !!
When I read the post it was sickening. Spreading hatred and discontent via social media is very evil ..... did you even read the post ? .... okay seriously ... are you claiming it's "hatred" to claim homosexuality to be sin ?? ... go ahead .. DISPLAY the text you claim to be hateful ... (..................... ) sorry Ray ... but claiming no God ... you have no dog in that fight .... shoot, even your own mother says she's worried about you (2 months ago) and prays for you because she knows you don't believe in God and that you might not make it to heaven ... you can take that one up with her
Please consider apologizing to Mom ..... um no ... the apologies need to start with you for fabricating a half truth (out of context) into a lie to your mother .... the apologies need to start with your mother for simply believing that lie and then changing the words to claim Linda said: "we don't like you cause you're homosexuals" .. or whatever she said .. it was hard to understand with all the balling and crying
what a freakn farce all this is ... in conclusion, the collective memories of Me Darrell and Linda of this "incident" combined leave your assertion of this "incident" lacking / distorted and embellished ... a lie doesn't always start out as a lie ... this one might of started as a flamboyant distortion but it sure ended as a lie ... and I'm done ... posted 2016-06-28



This is my take and conclusion of all this from a Biblical perspective

.... Image < actual examples of hate speech

Jesus: If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.
He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause .... John 15:18-25

They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them ....
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error ....
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God ... He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:5~8

Jesus: You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death .... Luke 21:16
