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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:49 am
by dadman

mid link ... [/i][/color]mid link

end link ... [color=purple][i]end link

Kathleen to Linda ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Linda to Kathleen ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Kathleen to Robby ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Robby to Kathleen ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Robby to Darrell ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Darrell to Robby ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Robby to Facebook ..... XXXXXXXXXX


Darrell to OTHERS ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Robby to Raymond ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Raymond to Robby ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Linda to Raymond ..... XXXXXXXXXX

Raymond ..... Robby

Kathleen ..... XXXXX
Robby ..... XXXXX
Linda ..... XXXXX
Darrell ..... XXXXX
Others ..... XXXXX
Facebook .. ... 4764593084 ..... Nothing positive comes from living with hate in your heart ... You, Mary McCorgary and 16 others ... Robert Cleary = don't forget the love God hates .... <><

2006-06-15 Kathleen = "Darrell I miss you" ... ... 5651061735 ....
oh barf ! ask Darrell if Linda said to him "we don't like you cause you're homosexual" .....
and well shoot, If you miss Darrell well then freakn call or message him ..... how is it Linda's fault that you haven't spoken to him ?

Robert Cleary
well crap Ray .... I'm sure you've heard all about it .... your mom called last week and literally attacked Linda over a propagated lie from 10 years a go ... how it got started I don't know but all I can say is that it's not true ... but either way she has basically slammed the door in our face ...... call me if your want to hear our side of this ......... Robby 992-9211 ... happy fathers day

Ray Mccorgary
I saw and heard her say something negative to Darrell with my very own eyes and ears. You can take that to the bank.

Robert Cleary
call me when you get a chance .... I really need to speak in person :)

Ray Mccorgary
I'll just quote you EXACTLY what she said. "and we don't believe in homosexuality!" He was soooo embarrassed, and that was the last time I saw Darrell.
I wish Mom would have just done what I did with Linda. Instead of fighting back I just unfriended her.

Robert Cleary
well okay fine / don't answer ... Darrell denies this happened .. I gave him more than one chance to reiterate this so-called 'embarrassing' situation to me and he flatly denied it ... viewtopic.php?p=2780#p2780 ... For the record ... no, Linda and I do not believe in homosexuality / so what .. but that DOES not mean that we dis-like or hate gays ... read Darrels response to me in this detailed back-n-forth ..... this is really sad indeed

by dadman ยป Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:08 pm Robby ..... Well ... there is this false accusation out......

Robert Cleary
Darrell to Robby ..... No .... I have no quarrel with you personally at all. You are family and I will go way out of my way to do whatever necessary to get along.... I know that you, and me, and everyone are all just struggling the best we can to make our way in the world and I do not fault you or Linda at all ... You have been very good to us and I value that ............

Ray Mccorgary
Sorry Robby! I have no interest in a phone conversation. However, I will entertain a documented conversation, because this way no words are misconstrued. I can't speak for Darrell, only for myself and what I heard. If she denies saying that, the conversation is over.

Robert Cleary
well shoot ... I don't know what someone said to prompt that response but what ever the case ... If the same dialogue promped me ... I would > politely < say the same thing ..... gays need to grow some fuckn skin ... they poke and prod to see who is with them and who's not .... I'm sure this is what transpired this .... the exact same thing happened w/ Mel at my place ... NO ONE intended to embarrass anyone ... sometines gaye don't get the answer they want .... well that's just life

Robert Cleary
.................... gays .... me mistype :)
this will all go on the record for all to see ....
no more "someones word against some one elses' "

Robert Cleary
btw Ray .... now that I recognize the indecent ... the where / when and what was said .... and since you were there and also remember this incident ...
here is my question ... who instigated the conversation about homosexuality ... was it Linda or was it Mel

Ray Mccorgary
All I remember was Linda talking to someone by the kitchen table. I have no idea what the conversation was even about. It just freaked me out when Darrell wasn't even part of the conversation and she looked over said that to him.
That may have been the same day she called me a fallen angel.

Robert Cleary
**I have no idea what the conversation was even about. ** .... well I do ... and again, it was Mel (not Darrell) prodding the issue w/ Linda ... for the 2nd time ... Mel knew what Linda's answer would be .. nothing had changed .. Mr Drama queen was wanting some drama ... and I guess he he sure got it .... as for the fallen angel ?? ... I'll investigate .... pleas detail

Ray Mccorgary
I bought dad a stepping stone for his garden for Father's day that said "Dads are like angels." When she read it she "Well you're a fallen angel." I didn't care about what she said, I just considered the source.
You can take that to the bank also.
I'm not sure, but I really don't think Mel was part of that conversation.

Robert Cleary
Well I remember he was THE conversation ... the little 15 second conversation that it was ... Darrell was probably just caught in the cross fire ... with ???? and embarrassment FOR > MEL < for even bringing it up AGAIN at a family gathering ........ NO ONE wanted to hurt any one .... even Darrell has dismissed and attempt of malice ..... you got it wrong .... however you can take it to the bank that out of no where did Linda just out of the flippn blue say to Darrell .. "and we don't believe in your homosexuality" ... there IS a larger context here that you are unaware of

Ray Mccorgary
I stayed out of this. You came to me, and I merely gave you honest answers.

Robert Cleary
..................... any attempt ........... a larger context (with Mel) that you are unaware of

Ray Mccorgary
I have no interest in any of this.

**I have no interest in any of this.** .... well now ain't that convenient for you .... this CRAP is either true or it isn't ... you're the instigator of this fuckn mess ... your mother is FUCKN DONE with us because of what YOU told her and God knows who else

Robert Cleary
have you read the attacks your mother leveled at Linda ??? .... here again viewtopic.php?p=2780#p2780 for the RECORD

Robert Cleary
I just wanted to make sure you got this ........ Linda to Raymond ..... Ray, I have stayed out of this conversation up until now because what I said was not wrong. When asked my view about homosexual marriage, I said "we don't believe in that because we are Christians." That is what any normal TRUE Christian would say about it!!! Now I want to know what is this crap you are making up now about some stepping stone? About me saying you are a fallen angel?? I would NEVER say such a thing. You need to stop making up lies about me to justify your bad behavior. Your dad would be ashamed of you! ... posted 2016-06-24

related links .... Kelly McCorgary ... 3283634909
