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Postby dadman » Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:37 am

From: Traci Messerly <tracimesserly@gmail.com>
Date: November 18, 2013 at 2:43:50 PM CST
To: robbycleary@sbcglobal.net

Subject: Hi! .. Hello Robby! .. I know I haven't been in touch at all. This is still hard for me .. Angie contacted me. We look so much alike .. I've been looking at your website of the Cleary family again .. I was hoping maybe you could help me with a line of who is who .. Who .. were my grandparents, great grandparents, etc. I know you told me .. before, but I can't find it .. Also Angie and Andy both said something about more of us. Angie .. mentioned a girl in Ireland, a boy that died and another girl in Wichita. Do you know any of them? .. I hope you understand my curiosity. I'm not sure how I'm absorbing all .. of this emotionally yet though .. Thank you. Hope you and Linda are doing well .. Traci

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2012-02-12 ===============================================
Take care Traci . . . I hope you're feeling better . . . looking forward to hearing from you . . have a great week . . Robby

2012-02-12 ===============================================
Hi Robby, I wanted to thank you for the genealogy information. I was sick all last well and it did give me a little something to do while stuck on the couch! I have a huge tree going for my parents now too! .. I heard from Andy and I am very happy about that. I am keeping this short because I'm headed to sleep, but I didn't want you to think I was going into hiding. This is strange for me, but not too uncomfortable. And I'm sure speaking with Andy will help since he has already traveled this road. He had wonderful things to say about you. . . . I will write soon . . Traci

2012-02-09 ===============================================
Hey Traci . . . Kevin died from pancreatic cancer .. he was a smoker all his life .. and also did a lot of drugs .. it all just caught up with him .. Kevin and I for the most part went our seperate ways around 1980 .. and I didn't speak much with him for almost 25 years .. when I found out he had cancer .. I looked him up and we reconnected for about the last six months of his life . . . I'm really glad I had that time with him . . . . anyhow .. as far as our geneology and blood line . . . you'll be glad to know that you are the 15th generation directly from the Mayflower . . . your GGGGGGGGGG grand father ( from Kevin's grandmother's side ( my mom)) was Edward Fuller . . . Edward came with his wife and their 12 year old son .. also .. Edward's brother Samuel Fuller was with them when they came here on the Mayflower and Edward and Samuel both signed the Mayflower Compact . . . I am currently working on this project to show this geneology http://dadmansabode.dailyforum.net/view ... p=386#p386 Kevin's dad (born 1933) was adopted by my dad (born in 1902) . . . so the Cleary name in your bloodline is by adoption . . . it was Gerow before that .. that geneology is here http://www.robbycleary.com/gene0001.html .. and also Kevin's dad's full blood sister Barbara (born in 1931) is still living in Towanda KS . . . she's the one who has me working on this geneology .. we speak often . . . Kevin's parents are both deceased now . . . His dad died about 5 years ago and his mom about 2 years ago . . . I'm so glad to hear from you and that you have an active life full of education and children . . . when I read of your education . . . you remind me of your brother Andy . . . he is an elementry school teacher in Houston TX and even got Houston's 'teacher of the year' award .. he's a really nice guy . . . we also see and talk to him very often . . . I hope you don't mind .. but I told him of your existence NONE OF US KNEW . . . and he's like . a little freaked-out . . . he might be about 3 or 4 years younger than you . . . anyhow .. I'll try not to overwhelm you w/ all this . . . but someday .. I really believe you would enjoy meeting your brother Andy . . . also my wife and I would really like to meet you . . . anyhow .. you've got my number .. call any time . . . your long lost uncle Robby . . . http://www.robbycleary.com . . . have a great day Traci

2012-02-08 ===============================================
Wow. Thank you. I'm very sorry to hear of his passing. May I ask what he died from, he was fairly young. I did watch the video of him meeting Andy, and I'm sure I will watch more. I have to say it is a little strange. I am very interested in the genealogy you have started. Cleary is a Gaelic name from what I have read and I'm very interested in where the family originated. Are Kevin's parents still alive? I have to say that one of the pictures of Angie when she was younger is what finalized my decision to contact you. Very similar to a picture of me when I was about the same age. Do you think there are more children!? I have to say WOW on that one. I have had a blessed life. My mom married when I was 5 and her husband adopted me. I was very close to my grandmother and I have a brother and a step sister. I was married for 17 years and had my two children with my ex-husband. I was fortunate to spend 4 years in southern California, but moved back to Kansas to raise my kids. I danced competitively throughout my teenage years, was on the dance team in Derby and so did my daughter. Its nice to have the family legacy. My son played football from 2nd grade on, but injured his shoulder last year and its pretty much taken him out of the game. My kids are 17 and 14 and i am pregnant with my 3Rd child, which was a complete surprise, but not an unwelcome one. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year. I graduated from WSU with a degree in secondary education - earth and space science and have a minor in geology and am 12 hours away from a 2nd bachelors in biology. I haven't yet settled on a masters program. I teach at Exploration Place, the science center. I'm the education manager for school groups. I have been there for about 6 years. I am interested in learning some of the medical history of the family. Are there major medical concerns that may affect me or my children? .. I am sure I will have a thousand questions, and will get the courage to call one day, but its taken me almost 30 years just to make any sort of contact. One question, did any of the family know about me? Thank you so, so, so much. Traci

2012-02-07 ===============================================
Dear Traci . . . yes .. you have found your bio dad . . . I am Kevin's uncle .. although I am only 2 years older than him . . . Kevin and I basically grew up together . . . he did lead quite the "on-the-edge-life" .. and did pass away a few ears ago .. I've tried to collect all I could before he passed as you have found at my website .. http://www.robbycleary.com/1959klc.html as you can see .. Kevin had a son Andy .. then later a daughter Angie . . . I even heard of another daughter that somehow Angie ran into .. however many more .. I have no clue . . . may God bless you in your life .. I hope it is good and safe . . . thank you for contacting me .. if you have any more questions ( at least you now have video ) . . . I am more than willing to talk . . . your great uncle Robby 316-992-9211 . . . have a great day

2012-02-07 ===============================================
Hello Robby, I am looking for a Kevin Cleary that lived at 1515 S. Mills in Wichita. Is the Kevin Cleary in your video and on your website the same one? My name is Traci and I'm looking for my biological father. My mother had only ever told me his name. My grandmother had always been ready to take me to meet my grandparents that lived on Mills, but she passed away in August. I never felt "ready", but with her passing I feel the only link I had is now gone. If the Kevin in you family is the same, he would have been 15-16 when I was born. Can you please either confirm or deny the identity of Kevin Cleary from Mills street? Thank you so much for anytime you give to responding to my message. I have never met my biological father nor his family. Sincerely . . . Traci Messerly .. tracimesserly@gmail.com
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