Jesuit oath - the .. go ye .. then .. into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope .. he who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth .. let him be accursed and exterminated
But what I (Paul) am doing I will continue to do .. so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting .. for such men are false apostles .. deceitful workers .. disguising themselves as apostles of Christ .. no wonder for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light .. therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness whose end will be according to their deeds.....2 Corinthians 11:12-15
.. If the Final False Prophet spoken of in Revelation 13 is indeed Pope Francis .. then >> I'm expecting << all of the secular humanistic left / atheistic / false-religious-system / anti-christ / homosexual / and all the Biblical Harlot folk spoken about in Revelation 17 to glob-on to / applaud / accept and follow this guy .. He will literally rally them all together >> UNITY << will indeed be the theme ...... My real point of observation will be IF & WHEN Pope Francis gets on the same page with and starts pointing to and singing the praises of a particular (RISING STAR) powerful political figure (vice-versa) ........ time will tell (written in 2013)
The blessed hope of Christ’s coming is a doctrine with which believers are to be deeply affected that they might not be moved about with the conflicting and Satanic heresies of the last days .. when there will be general religious apostasy and denial of the program of God’s Word .. let us not be deceived by the doctrine of any man or by the trend of events .. to let loose of the hope of his imminent return . . . . II Thessalonians 2:7-8 the word “letteth” is lit. “restraineth” or “hindereth” .. the Holy Spirit is the restraining influence now in the world .. he will hinder the progress of Satan’s gospel until the coming of Christ when he .. whose present mission is the formation of the Body of Christ will be taken out of the way with the Body .. this will leave Satan unrestrained and will precipitate the Great Tribulation period.....II Thessalonians 2
In the midst of the Tribulation period there shall rise up two great world leaders .. one a political leader inspired by Satan himself .. the other religious leader to deceive the people with strong delusions and either lead them or force them to worship the anti-christ as the long expected world-ruler .. these two Satanic deceivers shall prevail upon all except those who risk all to boldly acknowledge their belief in the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world . . . . v 8 salvation in the great tribulation is still based on the blood of Jesus Christ .. those who are then saved .. however .. must boldly confess their faith before a world of hostile witnesses .. which will mean nothing short of martyrdom .. except to those few sealed in Israel .. may God help every reader of these words to make sure their calling and election while the days of grace are still lasting .....Revelation 13
There will be in the tribulation period a great apostate ecclesiastical system headed up under a powerful religious leader .. drawing after it thousands of deluded worshippers .. who in reality are worshipping the devil and the beast .. this enormous world-system will be brought to a fearful end and all those connected with it will share its fate . . . many bible students believe that we have here the Roman Catholic system headed up in a fearfully apostate state .. a woman is symbolical of “church” (2 Cor 11:12) .. this woman v 5 stands in contrast to the Church of Christ .. which is a “chaste virgin” .. the true Church is “espoused to one husband” .. this one is given up to the kings of the earth .. the Church is the “mystery of godliness” .. this one is “mystery Babylon” .. the Church offers “the cup of Salvation” .. this one offers “cup full of abominations” .. Mystery Babylon is rich .. and it has its seat on seven hills (Rome) .. Christ is seen here as the .. One Who shall overcome all false systems .. establishing himself as Lord of lords and King of kings.....Revelation 17
according to Ervin Baxter .. Revelation 13 describes the Antichrist and his religious partner .. the False Prophet .. We have proven that the Antichrist will rule over the Holy Roman Empire .. Since the crowning of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III in 800 AD .. the Holy Roman Empire has always been a partnership of two men – a political leader and a religious leader .. The political leader has always been the most powerful politician in Europe and the religious leader has always been the pope from Rome . . . It is clear to see that the Holy Roman Empire .. which is to be the last empire on earth .. will be no different .. Whoever is pope at the time of the Antichrist will be the False Prophet .....continue
ELTON JOHN 'Make Him (Pope Francis) a Saint Already' ... 01-11-2015
If the Final False Prophet spoken of in Revelation 13 is indeed Pope Francis .. then >> I'm expecting << all of the secular humanistic left / atheistic / false-religious-system / anti-christ / homosexual / and all the Biblical Harlot folk spoken about in Revelation 17 to glob-on to / applaud / accept and follow this guy .. He will literally rally them all together >> UNITY << will indeed be the theme ...... My real point of observation will be IF & WHEN Pope Francis gets on the same page with and starts pointing to and singing the praises of a particular (RISING STAR) powerful political figure (vice-versa) ........ time will tell (written in 2013) ... igion.html <><