Sighting of a UFO Swarm over the Skies of Wichita KS ~ 2022-10-09

When we first saw this, it was with a 'dissipating' cloud .... about 15 to 20 of these lights were swirling around each other and the cloud like a swarm of gnats, huddled together but all going in different directions .... as the cloud disappeared, so did the swarm of lights, except for about 5 or 6 of them lingering .. I was not able to see in the viewer of my camera phone because of the glare, so I just zoomed in and aimed my camera at what we were seeing in the sky hoping to catch something, about 7 to 8 seconds were caught pretty good, so I looped that section of the video several times at different speeds, I kept the audio thru the entire 1m:06 seconds of video shot ... after seeing the video, I realized that the lights were appearing and disappearing

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Meanwhile, back in 2013 ... Encounter no. 1
Linda: .. 2013-06-02 .. Robby and I saw UFO june 2 at 10:30 PM Southeast flying northwest. I zoomed in with my phone but lost the vid. Orange (Robby thought purplish) pulsating sphere. In my zoom I saw it break into a lot of pieces and then come back together. Lasted about 30 seconds. The freaky clincher was that it was completely silent!

Robby: .. Linda and I were sitting at the fire pit Sunday night facing south @ approx 10:30 PM .. the second I saw it approaching from behind the trees .. I immediately knew this was something different .. I looked at my wife and said: "stand up" .. as it emerged from behind the tree .. it was now in plain sight .. a VERY BRIGHT AND GLOWING redish / orange / purpleish tint .. a completely round and spherical object . . . as if you held out a penny between your thumb and finger as far as you could and moved it across the sky .. it was moving approx 120 mph like a small plane preparing to land .. moving in a straight line (as a satellite would) but low and slow . . . this WAS NOT an airplane or mechanical craft .. it was hard to tell just how far away it was .. but to me .. it looked close enough to be able to hear if it was something mechanical .. it had no beacon lights .. it had no wing-span and it made absolutely NO sound AT ALL . . . the wind speed was no more than 1 mph . . . we watched it for about 25-30 seconds as it approached from the South East and traveled to the North West until it disappeared behind our house and tree line . . . my wife watched it in her camera phone (zoomed in) and said for about 2 seconds .. it seemed to separate/expand into smaller pieces as in fireworks (she mentioned fireworks) and then gathered itself back together . . . the weather was cool / still / very clear and vivid stars . . . something messed up with the phone and my wife was not able to save the video . . . DRATT !!! ..