
Description of your first forum.

Postby dadman » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:25 am

.... these links have been broken by Macarthur's ministry ... will take some time to re-establish

Abiding in Christ
Abortion - What about
Am I the kind of person God saves
Anxiety free living
Art of self discipline - the

Back to basics -the ABCs of Christian living
Back to the future
Battle for the beginning - the
Beatitudes - the
Beginning of the end - the
Believers Armor - the
Benefiting from lifes trials
Bible driven Church - the
Birth of the King - the
Brick by brick

Caring for widows
Catholicism - explaining the heresy of
Chosen for eternity
Christ humbled, Christ Exalted
Christian and Government - the
Christmas - the best of
Christmas - the Jesus of
Christmas - the promise of
Christmas - the-real meaning of
Contentment - the secret to
Courageous Christian - the
Course for life - a
Crucifixion chronicle - the

Dealing with sins of the mind
Delivered by God
Discernment - a plea for
Discernment - spiritual survival for a Church in crisis
Disciples prayer - the
Divorce-dilemma - the
Don't be afraid to ask

Easter-through the eyes of God
Elements of true prayer
Empty tomb - the
Examine yourself

Faith through the fire
Forgiveness - how to restore broken relationships
Foundations volume two
Fulfilled family - the
Future of Israel - the

Gods glory - how to live for
God Satan and Angels
God won't let you go
Gods word to an ungodly society
Good News - and now for the
Gospel according to God - the
Gospel according to Jesus - the
Gospel according to Paul - the
Grace - the doctrines of
Great commission - the
Greatest of these - the
Grip of God - the
Guidelines for singleness and marriage

Happiness from the Inside out
Hard to believe
Homosexuality and the Bible
How to get the most from Gods word
How to study the Bible
How to talk to a heretic
How to think and act in evil days

If Gods will is so important why can't I find It
Insight into a Pastors heart
Integrity factor a basic course in Christian ethics - the

Jesus is coming
Jesus over all
Jesus - the amazing power of
Joy rules

Keys to the Kingdom - the

Leading the charge
Living in the Spirit
Living real
Love God Hates - the
Love no matter what

Making a case-for-the Bible
Making sense out of suffering
Man who would be Christ - the
Marks of a healthy church
Mastering your money
Masters men - the
Murder of Jesus - the
My brothers keeper
Mystery of the resurrection - the
Myths about salvation

Our great salvation

Parables of the Kingdom - the
Pillars of christian character - the
Plea for Discernment - a
Plea for personal purity - a
Portrait of a new life - the
Praying for the right things

Qualities of an excellent servant

Radical alternative to political activism - a
Reaching for the prize
Rediscovering the Christ of Scripture
Relationship danger zone - the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ - the
Richer than you think
Road-to-nowhere - the

Sabbath - and why we worship on Sunday - the
Salvation survey - saved or self deceived
Seven steps to spiritual stability
Sexual survival in an age of temptation
Sinfulness of sin - the
Singing the Lords song in a strange land
Spiritual boot camp
Spiritual terrorism
Spiritual warfare fighting to win
Strange fire conference
Sufficiency of scripture - the

Taking the mystery out of the Spirits work
Tale of two sons - the
Taming the tongue
Test of true repentance - the
Transforming hope
Transforming power of scripture - the
True happiness
True worship
Truth about divorce - the

Uncompromising life - un

Way to Heaven - the
What about abortion
What did Jesus really say about financial worry
What happens to babies who die
What must I do to be saved
What to look for in a Church
When believers doubt
When bad things happen to Gods people
When Jesus comes
When we all get to Heaven
Where did sin begin
Where in the world is history headed
Whose money is it anyway
Who is Jesus anyway
Why I teach the Bible
Why is preaching worth fighting for
Wicked world angry God
Wisdom for the workplace
Woman - Gods design for a successful
Woman - Gods high calling for
Why do I still sin
Without excuse principles of Gods judgment


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Posts: 3858
Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:05 am


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