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Postby dadman » Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:44 pm


Image Image Image . Matthew . Mark . Luke . John Image ...... Philemon

Acts . Romans . I Corinthians . II Corinthians . Galatians . Ephesians . Philippians . Colossians . I Thessalonians . II Thessalonians

I Timothy . II Timothy . Titus . Philemon . Hebrews . James . I Peter . II Peter . I John . II John . III John . Jude . Revelation

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This Chapter's audio teaching on line

................ salutation

01:01 .. Paul .. a prisoner of Christ Jesus .. and Timothy our brother .. to Philemon our beloved brother and fellow worker
01:02 .. and to Apphia our sister .. and to Archippus our fellow soldier .. and to the church in your house
01:03 .. grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

..................Philemon’s love and faith

01:04 .. I thank my God always .. making mention of you in my prayers
01:05 .. because I hear of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints
01:06 .. and I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the aknowledge of every good thing
......... which is in you for Christ’s sake
01:07 .. for I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love .. because the hearts of the saints have been
......... refreshed through you .. brother

01:08 .. therefore .. though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper
01:09 .. yet for love’s sake I rather appeal to you .. since I am such a person as Paul .. the aged ..
......... and now also a prisoner of Christ Jesus

.................. plea for Onesimus .. a free man

01:10 .. I appeal to you for my child Onesimus .. whom I have begotten in my imprisonment
01:11 .. who formerly was useless to you .. but now is useful both to you and to me
01:12 .. I have sent him back to you in person .. that is .. sending my very heart
01:13 .. whom I wished to keep with me .. so that on your behalf he might minister to me in my imprisonment for the gospel
01:14 .. but without your consent I did not want to do anything .. so that your goodness would not be .. in effect ..
......... by compulsion but of your own free will
01:15 .. for perhaps he was for this reason separated from you for a while .. that you would have him back forever
01:16 .. no longer as a slave .. but more than a slave .. a beloved brother .. especially to me .. but how much more to you ..
......... both in the flesh and in the Lord
01:17 .. If then you regard me a partner .. accept him as you would me
01:18 .. but if he has wronged you in any way or owes you anything .. charge that to my account

01:19 .. I .. Paul .. am writing this with my own hand .. I will repay it (not to mention to you that you owe to me even your own self as well)
01:20 .. yes .. brother .. let me benefit from you in the Lord .. refresh my heart in Christ
01:21 .. having confidence in your obedience .. I write to you .. since I know that you will do even more than what I say
01:22 .. at the same time also prepare me a lodging .. for I hope that through your prayers I will be given to you
01:23 .. Epaphras .. my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus .. greets you
01:24 .. as do Mark .. Aristarchus .. Demas .. Luke .. my fellow workers
01:25 .. the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit

Matthew . Mark . Luke . John . Acts . Romans . I Corinthians . II Corinthians . Galatians . Ephesians . Philippians . Colossians .

I Thessalonians . II Thessalonians . I Timothy . II Timothy . Titus . Philemon . Hebrews . James . I Peter . II Peter . I John . II John . III John . Jude . Revelation

Wise and good ministers of Jesus Christ will have great and tender care of young converts to encourage and hearten them .. and get them received into the fellowship of the saints .. there is a spiritual brotherhood between all true believers .. however distinguished as to their station of life .. and we should therefore seek to strengthen and help those who have been newly united to the Christian family . . . v 17, 18 these verses furnish a perfect illustration of the doctrine of “imputation” whereby guilty sinners believing on Christ are received by the Father as identified with the Son .. and the sins of the believing one are reckoned to the account of Christ who paid the price on Calvary

Matthew . Mark . Luke . John ...... Philemon

Acts . Romans . I Corinthians . II Corinthians . Galatians . Ephesians . Philippians . Colossians . I Thessalonians . II Thessalonians

I Timothy . II Timothy . Titus . Philemon . Hebrews . James . I Peter . II Peter . I John . II John . III John . Jude . Revelation


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